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Aldi überrascht his Kunden in the Weihnachtszeit with the Verkauf von Flugtickets. The book can take a journey that can end the journey.

Munich – The Early Night Time is the Time of the Überraschungen. Now it is true that a gift or a gift is possible. The way you feel is that it won’t be long before you have a time overrun.

While most cheaters are affected, the protagonists can no longer wave away. And that is true. If a flight is not harmful, a large part of the distance can be zurückzulegen in the Kurzer Zeit.

Aldi offers Blind Booking from: Aktion läuft noch bis zum 29. Dezember

As a rule, the Soul is then completely even. So ereht is auch Reisenden, die ich nicht festlegen können or der Überraschungen lieben. For this reason Blind Booking is almost guaranteed. If this relatively young model has made a flight, or if you know, while the journey is taking place.

This Überraschungsflüge hat auch Aldi active in Angebot. It’s a matter of a buying operation with Eurowings. At Discounter it is one of the best Kundin with a Weihnachts-Aktion verärgertewirbt damit, dass das Reiseziel only after the Abschluss der Buchung offenbart wide. The fact that the data and the absences are submitted also guarantees the tension – so that you can receive the gifts covered by the Weihnachtsbaum.

The action in Rahmen der Aldi offers leave until 29. December. The whistle can be used for the next tag or 42 days in the future. Pro Person Sollen Hin- und Rückflug im günstigsten Autumn 79.99 Euro costs.

A flight set up in the Himmel and an Aldi Shield
Abheben with Aldi: The Discounter has for a few weeks annte Blind-Booking-Flüge im Angebot. © IMAGO / Arnulf Hettrich (2)

Buy flight tickets at Aldi: Your price is now a small bag with suitcase

It can be a bit like being on the beach. If you travel with the Eurowings basic fare, the price of a trip is now a small bag with the maximum dimensions 40x30x25 Zentimeter. The fact that the stauraum has not disappeared can no longer be packed. You can make a reservation before check-in, the seat reservation or the best destination you can use.

Gold-plated: The mind-body effect means 18 hours during one night and 36 hours during both nights. Aldi-Angebot can visit a number of other destinations: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Cologne-Bonn, Prague and Stuttgart. Eurowings started with the start of Dortmund, Graz, Hannover, Nuremberg, Stockholm and Salzburg.

Urlauber sees both suitcases at the airport
This costs extra for your travel: Large suitcase since both Aldi deals are not included in the price. © IMAGO / Rolf Poss

Soul of the Aldi-Flüge throughout Europe: Auch Mallorca and Ibiza were anesteuert

Aldi has provided an overview of the Abflughafen Städte in all of Europe. Darunter since Barcelona, ​​​​Nizza, Bucharest, Pristina, Copenhagen, Prague, Bilbao, Palma de Mallorca, Tirana, Helsinki, Tromsö, Faro, Zurich, Lisbon, Zagreb, Rom, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malaga, Ibiza, Krakow, Valencia, Rovaniemi, Bergamo and Mailland.

The Zahl der möglichsten Destinationen schwankt von Abflughafen zu Abflughafen erheblich. Während es von Prag aus nur siben since, was ab Düsseldorf 22 Ziele angesteuert.

Be that as it may, the flight is never annoying or annoying. At Aldi, Blindflüge also produces an unreliable result. (mg)

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